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Casa de Joelson


This single-family residence, built in 1958, has undergone most of its eco-friendly renovations over the past four years and provides a great example of what the average homeowner can implement over time. After completing a household climate action plan for a school project, the homeowners tackled projects that would decrease their water and carbon footprint, such as installing a 3.5KW solar panel system that provides 130% of their energy usage (with room to convert current gas appliances to electric), along with rainwater and graywater catchment systems that provide 100% of the water for the front landscaping and backyard vegetable garden and received rebates from the SoCal Water Smart program. In lieu of air conditioning, the homeowners utilize attic and wall insulation along with an eco-model whole house fan to cool and heat the property. Other features include furniture and decor built with or sourced from recycled materials, a shower shutoff system to keep water warm while soaping up, zero VOC paint, LED lighting throughout, dual-paned windows and a composting system.

Photo Credit: Jessica Joelson

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San Diego Green Building Council

Green Homes Tour/Residential Green Building Committee

3830 Valley Centre Dr.
Suite 705 PMB 285
San Diego, CA 92130


© 2023 by San Diego Green Building Council

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